
Early birds access

How to Use The ‘Semoauto’ Link Building Tool

Before going to use Semoauto Chrome Extension, setup your Semrush Link Building Tool. Watch this video.

In 5 Simple Steps – Send Massive Email Using Semoauto for Link-Building

After setting all the parts of the Semrush Link-Building Tool you are ready to send bulk emails. 

Some steps you must complete before clicking to send emails:

Step 1:

At Semrush: Be sure you are in “In Progress” tab.

In progress tab

Step 2:

At Semrush: Save your email content as a template.

Step 3:

At Semrush: Click on any “not-sent” domain list.

un-send domain list

Step 4:

At Semoauto: Select the number of emails you want to send from the dropdown.

Step 5:

At Semoauto: Now you can send emails. Click on the Semoauto extension and then click on the ‘Start to Send Mail’ button.


Get Semoauto


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